Monday, June 18, 2012

Containing myself....

You ever have something that's happening that you are so excited for?  And not even excited for yourself, but for others?  Sometimes I feel like I can hardly contain myself.  I want to get excited and jump for joy, but something holds me back.

For several years I have had the opportunity to be a part of some exciting things.  But Satan sure finds a way to steal that joy. So much so that I fear I can't share my excitement with others. I have to contain it, bottle it up, and keep it to myself for fear of the reaction and feelings of others.  I don't want to hurt anyone or offend anyone. But.....God has given me more than ample amounts of opportunities that I should be allowed to get excited over.....but Satan comes in and destroys that.  How is this even fair? 

But wait....what's not Satan that is doing this, but God is wanting me to learn something. 

Satan comes in to steal our joy and destroy things that bring glory to God.  Right?  What if.....God is teaching me to be humble in these situations?  Teaching me humility?  Teaching me how to find the joy in all situations.  Just because I can't shout it from the roof tops doesn't mean it can't bring glory to God.  But...what if God DOES want me to share my joy that I have because of Him?  Then am I taking away opportunities for how incredible He really is?  How am I to know? 

Proverbs 12:23 says Smart people keep quiet about what they know, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.

1Thessalonians 4:11 says, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands."

Just what if....He wants me to do His work quietly?  What if He's working on my ignorance and making me smart?  So many verses speak to how I'm feeling today, where I've been, and what it is that I want to become.
Guess I'll continue to be that work in progress. 

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